Chilblains – My Toes Are Burning

We are in the depths of winter and as I look out my window is cold, grey and wet – BRING ON SUMMER!!!. Whilst our feet are generally out of site in the colder months, they still need some attention. If you’ve ever suffered from chilblains you’ll know how painful they can be. So, what are chilblains and how can you help to prevent them?

Chilblains are painful areas of the skin that can appear red, white or purple and sometimes become itchy.

Poor circulation, cold weather and sudden changes in the temperature can all contribute to developing them.

Follow these 5 tips to help prevent chilblains:

1. Keep you whole body, including your feet warm

2. Use natural fibre socks, wear ugg boots (yes they do look ugly get over it)

3. Avoid putting your feet in front of a fire/heater or applying a heat pack, hot water bottle or electric blanket directly to your feet

4. Avoid sudden changes in temperature – hot showers to cold tiles, warm room to cold outside etc

5. Dry your feet thoroughly after showering & make sure your shoes & socks are dry

How can a Podiatrist help?
We have several ways of managing and treating chillblains. This can be through use of medications to relieve the pain. Another surprisingly useful treatment is acupuncture. Also the use of various types of dressings and padding can help alleviate the pain.

Sick of foot pain? We are here to help!

Healthy Life Foot Clinic is here to help you with your foot pain! Online Booking is the most convenient way to lock in the location, practitioner & time that suits best.