Back view of soccer boots

Does your child play football or soccer?

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of footy boots available?

Does your child limp or complain of pain after playing sport?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then keep reading for some handy tips.

Some of the common foot and leg issues that can arise in children playing football or soccer can include blisters, calluses, heel pain, shin pain and toenail problems, just to name a few. Often the cause of these problems can be the choice of football/soccer boot.

Child kicking a soccer ball

Here is a quick guide to choosing the right boot for you child:


  1. Get the boot fitted professionally (Athletes Foot, Rebel, Sportspower etc) – wherever you purchase your childrens boots, make sure the salesperson measures BOTH feet & gives you multiple options to try on. You want the boot to be the correct length and width.
  2. Select the boot on fit & comfort before what LOOKS best – kids like the bright fluro colours but comfort is more important. They often choose boots that their heroes wear in the AFL or EPL but they may not be the best option for your child.
  3. Be prepared to change boots at least yearly due to the growth in your child’s feet.
  4. While we don’t want to recommend specific boots in this blog, boots with slight elevation in the heel can be beneficial especially if your child experiences any heel pain.
  5. Boots with arch support can be very helpful in minimising foot & leg pain so check if there is arch support in the boot.
  6. Spending a lot of $$$$’s doesn’t guarantee the best boot for your child – select the boot based on fit and comfort.

Foot and leg pain in a child is not normal. If your child is experiencing pain when playing sport, get it checked – often solutions are simple and will allow your child to enjoy their sport and perform at their best.

If you have concerns about whether the boot is suitable for your child, give us a call and we can help in the fitting process.

If you want further information go to

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