For many, you may not feel like celebrating at the moment. There is a lot of uncertainty around health, around employment, around our finances and what the future holds. Can I encourage you, we will get through this. Society may look a little different, but we will get through this.
During this challenging time of COVID-19, it’s incredibly important to keep in touch with those we care about. For you, that is your family, friends and maybe work colleagues.
For us, it is you our patients.
We genuinely care about our patients. I know you think that’s what every business says. We had an elderly patient last week who we had just seen and was waiting on a 15 minute taxi ride to go home. The taxi had not arrived after 30 minutes and after multiple attempts to contact the taxi company we gave up. Instead, one of our Podiatrists kindly gave her a ride home. This is only a small example, but we care not just about your foot health but you as a person.
As the majority of medical clinics have seen a downturn in business, if you have been happy with our service in the past, we would love for you to recommend us to a family member of friend. If they make an appointment, we will give you 20% off your next visit. |
What is the Federal Government Currently Recommending Regards Podiatry Appointments?
1. The Federal Government refers to Podiatry as an “Essential Service” – that means they strongly encourage us to stay open. They realise that if someone has a foot issue and can’t see a Podiatrist, they will see the GP. At the moment, your GP is overburdened dealing with COVID-19 issues and the oncoming flu season. They want to help manage the load on the GP clinics and the hospital system.
POINT: we are open, we have very high hygiene and infection control procedures, see us for any foot and ankle problems.
2. The government recommends you still attend your MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS. The Government considers Podiatry a MEDICAL APPOINTMENT. If you are in an “at risk” group, we understand you staying home but we will keep in touch to make sure you are OK.

Common Questions We Have Recently Been Asked
I have a sore foot/ankle but would prefer to not come into the clinic.
We have 2 options that can help you:1. Like your GP, we are now able to offer online consultations or what is called tele-health. Many foot and ankle conditions can be managed this way and all it may require is having a mobile phone. If you have a referral under Medicare or DVA , this service is bulk billed. If you have private health, this service may be partly covered so call your health fund to confirm or our clinic for further information. Click HERE for further information.2. We can provide home visits if required. We are not charging any more for this service than what you would normally pay to visit the clinic. We will take all the required precautions regarding hygiene. If you are unwell though, have been in contact with anyone diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19, or you have recently travelled overseas, we will not be able to provide this service without clearance from your GP. Click HERE for further information.
I have lost my job and struggling financially but need to see you. Can you help in any way?
This is a tough time for many people and we are all experiencing the effects of this virus. We are very much aware of this as a small business and have already seen the effect on our business being quieter so we understand and are sympathetic to those who have lost their job.
If you have financial difficulties, please call us to discuss what options we can provide to help you access our services and still receive care. For further information click HERE.
What else can we do to help?
Many of our patients are older, no longer able to drive and don’t have family easily able to help them. You may even be encouraged to isolate for health reasons by your family or GP. We care not just about your feet but you as a person and realise that to get through this time, we need to support and care for each other more than ever.
So, we quite seriously want to help in other ways. If you are isolated and unable to get to the shops, we would be happy to grab a few items and drop them on your doorstep. We want you to know we care and if a small thing like this would make your life easier, please call our Admin team and they will see how we can help make your day a little brighter. We are each stronger when we support one another.
What else can you do to help?
If you are currently experiencing any of the following:
1. Symptoms such as fever, a cough or shortness of breath
2. Have been in contact with someone with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19
3. You have recently travelled overseas
Then please contact our team prior to your visit on 8333 2022 (Burnside) or 8445 8680 (Woodville).
If you would like any further information, visit the Australian Government’s Health website by clicking HERE.
Further information specific to us can be found on our website by clicking HERE and to keep up to date with any changes, go to our Facebook page by clicking HERE and LIKE our page for any new announcements.
We are here to help keep you active, healthy and happy so if we can be of any assistance please contact us.
From all of the team at Healthy Life Foot Clinic
– Mark, Jo, Rhys, Viv, Sarah, Jenette and Sonia