I’ve Been Told I Have Flat Feet, Do I Need Orthotics?
If you have been living on planet earth any time during the past 100 years you have probably heard from a friend or family member that “flat feet can cause problems”, or “Oh no, you have really flat feet, thats bad”.
If you’re reading this and have flat feet, don’t worry. You are certainly not alone and there is no reason to panic. Flat feet are quite normal in toddlers when they first start walking and it is more common than you may think in adults. Studies show approximately 30% of the population have flat feet! Up to 50% of the population have varying degrees of pronation or “rolling in” of the feet.
Here we will describe what it is to have a flat feet, if and when anything needs to be done about it and the best way to avoid complications in the future.
What Are Flat Feet?
A ‘flat foot’ is typically used to describe a foot that has very little to no arch development through the instep of the foot. The rearfoot or heel bone will typically point outwards for someone with a flat foot type, completing the picture of what we call a ‘pes planus’ (flat foot) or ‘hyperpronated’ foot type.
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Flattening out of the arch during walking or running (also called ‘pronating’) is actually a very important function of the foot that we want to see because this allows the foot to absorb shock with every step that is taken. However in some instances when a foot spends too much time in this flattened position and is absorbing more force than it has to, the plantar fascia and/or muscles of the foot and lower leg can become overworked and this can cause pain or injury due to overuse.
Interestingly when a foot structure is too far the other way with a really high arch, the foot becomes very rigid and shock absorbance is lessened because they wont ‘pronate’ sufficiently or flatten out through the arch at all. This foot type can cause it’s own concerns and various other foot problems over time.
In saying that it is important to know that there is no perfect arch height that has been discovered in research. A foot that functions well for someone may look and act very different than it does for somebody else.
Do I Need Treatment for Flat Feet?
If you do have flat feet and don’t have any pain or localised foot symptoms, most podiatrists with any experience in biomechanics will then look at the overall gait, foot and leg function dynamically and determine whether or not any other symptoms throughout the lower limb are likely to be related to foot posture and function.
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If a podiatrist determines symtoms throughout the feet, legs and lower back are unrelated to foot function, chances are foot orthotics will not be needed. However, if flat, hypermobile feet are contributing to overuse injuries or asymmetrical function throughout the feet, legs, pelvis, or lower spine, then chances are orthotic therapy may be warranted as an integral part of overall treatment.
What Type of Flat Feet Treatment Exists?
Orthotics may be used in conjunction with exercises such as stretching and strengthening of the lower leg and foot muscles that will help lessen the likelihood of developing a foot problem or lower limb injury in the future.
The other thing that is also important is the use of supportive footwear whenever possible. Some shoes offer very little to no structural support for the feet and it is more common for foot aches and pains to develop in less supportive shoes. A podiatrist can recommend the right shoe for you taking into consideration work, comfort and of course fashion. A specific injury prevention treatment program can be determined following an appropriate biomechanical assessment and walking analysis.
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Now if you do have flat feet and, unfortunately, do experience pain or fatigue in either the feet or legs there is much more that we can do.
Orthotics have proven to be very successful in reducing foot pain, heel pain and overuse injuries of the feet and legs and can be extremely useful as part of the overall treatment that reduces pain and improves quality of life. Orthotics will support the various structures of the foot, placing it in a position where less force will be applied to any injured or painful areas of the feet and/or lower legs. In order to determine exactly what type of orthotic is needed, an appointment with one of our Podiatrists is needed to complete a gait analysis and biomechanical assessment.
It’s importnat to understand, orthotics are never provided as a stand alone treatment – we always assess your current footwear, provide strengthening and stretching exercises and, if necessary, recommend any other manual therapies (foot mobilisation, dry needling/acupuncture, cold laser/low level laser therapy) that may be required to get you back pain free.
If you do have foot pain, leg pain, hip discomfort or lower back pain, or you’re worried about your foot posture, book an appointment with one of our Podiatrists and we can assess you thoroughly to determine the best course of action. We will assess your foot posture, analyse your walking pattern, explain why you may be experiencing pain and put in place a personalised plan that will get you back to living a pain free, happy and healthy lifestyle!
If you have any concerns regarding flat feet, have a child with flat feet or any concerns regarding foot pain, heel pain, aching legs or general overuse injuries, CLICK HERE to make an appointment.
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